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How to improve your daily coffee business after Covid-19 - The Revolution of automatic espresso machines!

How to improve your daily coffee business after Covid-19 - The Revolution of automatic espresso machines!

After a long break and interruption of daily activities, the world is slowly getting back to normal ... The question is how "normal" these pats really are, and what is the assumption of normal nowadays?

It is certain that the consequences of negative trends will be felt for a long time to come, especially if we look at the situation from an economic angle. But if we look from a social perspective, how the consequences will affect everyday life? As studies show, it is realistic to expect that some implanted habits will change, some will be eradicated, however, the need for the socialization of every human being is far beyond the framework. Of course, respecting the measures and recommendations of the institutions will significantly affect the course of getting back on track, so that drinking coffee every day in the company of friends will have to adjust in some way to factors that we cannot influence.

When it comes to recommendations and protection measures, hygiene maintenance and disinfection are taken first. Of course, these are two things that are insisted on anyway, but in the conditions of a pandemic, they are not only emphasized but also ultimate.

One of the better suggestions, in order to completely avoid, and not just reduce, the risk of possible contamination is a complete switch to automatic coffee machines. If you haven't had a chance to see them, you can find some of the models with us. As a novelty in our market, we certainly present the Nestle professional program, which has a much wider range of raw materials and appliances. Depending on the size of your facility, or the purpose of the device (whether it is an office, cafe, restaurant, waiting room, library, co-working hub), there are a large number of devices, and we would always be able to recommend only the best for your needs.

Another suggestion for your business to survive in difficult business conditions is definitely is a takeaway coffee concept. Currently, the underdeveloped sector in our country, which has been significantly affected by the habits of sitting in cafes, is growing daily. One of the differences in the use of traditional and automatic and super-automatic machines is the speed at which drinks are prepared. As with traditional machines, the preparation involves grinding, compacting with a tamper and the time while the coffee itself is made, this is not the case with automatic machines, because everything is achieved by pressing a button. Also, any mistake during the preparation is excluded, because the special ceramic knives in the grinder do not allow oscillations from the set parameters in gravel and granulation, which are otherwise very common for traditional espresso conferences, ie their grinders. This allows each subsequent beverage to be the same - without deviations in quality and quantity with constant unification of each selected coffee format, without oscillation. It is also a consequence of the reduced influence of the human factor, which, unfortunately, usually brings with it qualitative oscillations, risks of contamination, abuse of various formats ...

Imagine that, there is no cleaning, and there are no forbidden queues in front of the bar. And there is no cleaning because only disposable packaging is used. For nature lovers and admirers, made of biodegradable and recyclable material.

As the pinnacle of social discipline, our recommendation is a super-automatic device that provides the opportunity to be your own barista.

Try to imagine, nice weather, you have settled in the garden of your favorite place, and you are making your own drink through the application. Order an empty :) cup, and through the application set all the parameters that make your special drink. Adjust the temperature, the degree of roasting of the coffee, choose the bean, the type of milk, the amount of water, and voila! You made a great drink, with multiple milk cream, or foam, by your taste, like with many years of Barista experience. After that, you can also share the secret recipe with your friends, and give the drink a name and save it in the memory of the smart device, so that you know what you are ordering for each next time. Who knows, maybe this drink will be one of the 12 most sought after and appear on the home screen ...  

If you need a different type of coffee, we are at your disposal with our offer of self-service machines. We would currently recommend the Europa Pro and Alegria 12500 models. If you decide to complete your space with self-service machines, in addition to the Europa pro model, we have the opportunity to provide a snack machine for juices and confectionery products.

We hope that we have helped you at least a little at the turning point in the survival of your business.

Stay tuned, in the next story you will hear all about the advantages and disadvantages of traditional and automatic espresso machines.


Wishing to hear from you as soon as possible,

At your service Espresso Expres Pro team.